People Still Use Paper Planners?

My Filofax Guildford Zip in Personal Size

It seems like lately I have come across several people who are either shocked or confused to why I use a paper planner versus just using my cell phone. For major events I still may use my phone. I do like that it will alarm me so I won't forget. However, I have found some benefits to using paper planners:

They don't lose battery/die: I HAVE to carry around a external battery to charge my cell phone because before a day is done of me being out and about it will die. Or sometimes my phone decides it doesn't feel like working and freezes on me. 
Paper planners don't need Internet access: If I need some information I can write it down to refer back to later.  I don't have to worry about my cell provider's service not picking up a signal, being charged extra for being in a foreign country, or hunting out locations that offer free Wi-Fi.
Less risk of theft: Am I saying its impossible to get your planner stolen? No. However, I have seen on the news reports of people getting their phones ripped out of their hands as they were using them. How many news reports have you heard about someone stealing a book out of someone's hands?
It is fun to decorate: If you are creative, you might like colorful things. With cell phones you are limited on ways to add color. I don't call myself Colors and Coils for nothing!
No light in your face: As much as I like my gadgets sometimes I get tired of a bright screen in my face.
Great for studying/reflecting: Again, I am not saying you cannot keep your notes on your phone.  At times I do both, but for some reason I feel more connected when I write down what I am studying in the Bible vs. typing it on my phone. It's like I remember what I learned better.

So now that I have shared some ways a paper planner can be beneficial to you, in a later post I will share some of the well known planners people are using.  Stay tuned!