10 Months into Transition: Attempt of a Wash and Go

Hey Lovelies!

On the 16th of this month (three more days), it will be 11 months since I last relaxed my hair.  I am not ready to cut off my relaxed ends yet.  However, I wanted to "test the waters" and play around with my hair to see if I understood how to do a wash and go.  Throughout my transition I have been flat ironing so this is totally new to me. 

I washed and conditioned my hair with some Pantene for curly hair.  Then, I used my Tangle Teezer to try to separate the curls.

Then, I put some Via Natural Conditioning Styling Gel in it.  This is how it looked:

I realized I have a lot to learn about natural hair still.  I was just excited to play around with it and see it react like this. 

Yours truly,

Legendary Lady